AI Project
This Project is over a Year old (Since the making of this blog). My programming style has changed a lot since I have written this, but it still contains useful AI Patterns.
- Custom Pathfinding w/ Node Arrays.
- LineOfSight.
- Boids/Obstacle Avoidance Steering.
- FSM.
- Various Collections (Pool, LookupCache).
I Cannot release the entire project, because of the Proprietary Assets used.
But I can make a Build and show the Code.
The Game has a UI to customize solider stats, soliders can be disabled.
The First solider in the list is the Leader.
You can control each Solider's stats, as well as enable/disable them.
A Team wins by defeating the enemy Leader Unit.
The First solider in the list is the Leader.
You can control each Solider's stats, as well as enable/disable them.
A Team wins by defeating the enemy Leader Unit.
AI Behaviour:
- The Leader charges toward the Enemy Leader.
- The Soliders Follow their Leader, and attack enemies in range.
- When a Solider's HP falls under a threshold, they run away.
- If a Solider is too far away from the group, they use pathfinding to get back.
Camera Controls:
- WASD: Move Camera
- Shift: Desend
- Space: Assend
- Q/E: Rotate Camera
- STR: Unit Damage
- REG: HP Regeneration
- CON: Max HP
- BRV: Bravery, determines HP Threshold for Runaway
- SPD: Movement Speed
- LCK: Crit Chance, Crits do Double Damage.
- Enabled: Enable solider for this Fight
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